Get Your Loved One Sober

Full Title: Get Your Loved One Sober

Authors: Robert Meyers and Brenda Wolfe

Year of Publication: 2004

OurRelationship Rating:

  • Rating:  ★★★★
  • Length: 240 pages
  • With/Without Partner: Without


As a family member, friend or significant other of a substance abuser, you might find it hard not to feel like there is nothing you can do to break your loved one’s addiction or that you are on the sidelines, watching his or her self-destruction. In Getting Your Loved One Sober, authors Robert Meyers and Brenda Wolfe, provide effective advice on how to help your loved one with an addiction and to help yourself.

“We want to help family members of users who are at their wits end with no place to go. We teach several things in the book. We teach family members how to stay safe, how to take care of themselves and how to gently persuade their user to enter treatment. We want family members of the users to lead fuller and more balanced lives even if the user never enters treatment,” author Meyers said in one interview.

Getting Your Loved One Sober aims to help you and others get your loved one into treatment and to help improve your own lives, which may be negatively affected by your loved one’s addiction. Meyers and Wolfe’s book is based on principles of the scientifically-supported Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT). CRAFT aims to alter interaction behaviors between the addicted individual and his friends or family in order to reduce stress and hopefully lead the addicted individual to seek help. It guides the substance user into treatment while guiding them to attend to their own needs.

Meyers and Wolfe’s book includes information on the CRAFT program, guidance on how to stop enabling your significant other’s addiction and how to communicate with him or her. It also covers basic information on behavior as it relates to addiction or even enabling, treatment options, and relapse prevention.

The book overall addresses all members directly or indirectly being affected by substance abuse, giving family members, significant others or friends the tools they need to alter their behavior in a way that positively alters their loved one’s addictive behaviors and that hopefully gets him or her to seek help.

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